In an era where digital content can be manipulated with just a few clicks, the line between reality and fabrication becomes dangerously thin. This was the central theme of a compelling interview on TVNZ’s Breakfast, where Daniel Faitaua sat down with Professor Michael Witbrock of NAOInstitute to discuss the burgeoning impact of deepfake technology on society.

The Interview

With the ease of creating convincingly realistic deepfakes, Professor Witbrock highlighted the urgent need for society to reassess our interaction with media. He emphasized that the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence presents both a challenge to media credibility and a potential threat to the integrity of personal identity.

Key Takeaways

Three major points emerged from the conversation:

  1. Re-evaluation of Media Consumption: The sophistication of deepfakes necessitates a shift in how we consume and trust media. It’s becoming increasingly important to develop means of authenticating digital content.
  2. Role of Digital Archives: Professor Witbrock proposed the concept of personal digital archives as a potential solution. These archives could serve as a benchmark for verifying the authenticity of online interactions and content.
  3. Need for Regulation: While the need for regulation was underscored, Professor Witbrock advocated for a balanced approach. Regulations should not stifle the positive potential of AI technologies but should mitigate the risks that deepfakes carry.


At NAOInstitute, we stand at the forefront of AI development, advocating for responsible innovation. The insights from Professor Witbrock’s interview serve as a reminder of our collective duty to approach the advancements of AI with both caution and enthusiasm. As we forge ahead, let us commit to safeguarding digital trust and integrity, ensuring that the virtual world remains a space of credible and authentic interaction.

Join the conversation on how we can protect our digital future. Let’s shape a society that is informed, prepared, and resilient in the face of AI’s transformative influence.